Sunday, May 16, 2010

My great-aunt writes...

"Dear Family, here is a picture of Stevan and Grandma Topsy Olds and Yumma Benedict and 4 Navy WAVES, 18 March 1945, in Woodside, MD not long before Yumma was his date graduation week at West Point. - Margaret/Sis"

Ruth Mary "Yumma" Benedict was my grandma; she's the one in front in the cardigan. May "Topsy" Olds was my great-great grandmother, Yumma's grandma. The dashing Stevan was her cousin.

-Sadie "Sadie" Stein


Anonymous said...

Hah! Oh WASPy nicknames...The older women on the WASP side of my family all have nicknames such as "Whiffie" and "Kaki"...the South American side, not so much...

Sadie Stein Blog said...

@Anon - yes, also notably absent from my dad's side! My mom, however, is "Flossie."

Anonymous said...

Hmm Topsy is mt second great grandmother on my moms side. Steven is my moms cousin. Grandmother is Katherine, My mother Marietta. I am David.. Small world.