Monday, February 25, 2008

The reason I've been so quiet lately is a series of technical difficulties that resulted in a trip to the Mac Store's Genius Bar (SoHo branch.) The iBook is still vacationing there. It's nothing serious I don't think; seems like when the old charger broke off, the 'pin' thing got stuck inside. In fact, had to restrain myself from just going at it with slim tweezers and now sort of regret that I didn't as I had to endure 'Katie's' incredulity when she saw how grubby and crayon-encrusted my computer was and kind of had to imply I was a pre-school teacher to justify it.

When I was waiting to be called (at the Genius Bar) a very chatty middle-aged woman engaged me in conversation. Seems she is the webmaster for "the actor Woody Harrelson's official web site." (It is highly political and has an entire section devoted to the raw food lifestyle.) I didn't ask how many hits it gets.

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