Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Speak No Evil

Have lost my voice - combination of sickness and singing along very lustily to "Dayenu" at Moishe's 26th birthday party at Sammy's Roumanian. Did a vigorous Hora, danced the Lindy Hop with GK4,former fiance. Maxine and I also took the floor solo to "Oh What a Night (December 1963") and weren't even bothered by the creepy group of businessmen who took our picture with their camera phones. Some other middle-aged guy wandered in for directions and ended up dancing next to Slim in the Hora, and asking Buckingham to marry him. I also rubbed a little schmaltz in GK4's hair, with his permission. And this after only scoring a 75% on Facebook's "Which Celebrity is Jewish?" quiz.

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