Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So, Slim and I had the biggest fight ever the other day. I wrote him a letter explaining my position. Here is an excert:

"You may argue otherwise; I do genuinely believe you have major boundary issues when it comes to friends/lovers, can make these transitions easily, and don’t realize that not everyone is the same way. But I find it hard to believe that she would expect such a gesture of you or, frankly, find it anything but bizarre. (Remember, you thought before you broke up with her that she ‘understood’ how things stood, and clearly you were not on the same page. I bring this up not out of solicitude for her beyond the general, but rather to establish further how wholly willful this whim is.) (...)If I wanted to think the worst of you, I would say that your behavior, your willful insistence on not being dictated to, was hopelessly cruel. I pay you the compliment of realizing there’s actually something missing with you that allows you to ignore all the dictates of decency and common sense. "

Bet you wish you were my boyfriend! Oh yeah, and the letter is EPIC.

Yes, yes, obviously everything is okay now. I may or may not have thrown my glasses across the room and ground them under my heel in a passion of rage; but that's all over and there's nothing but a little hairline crack on the left frame to show for it. Incidentally, in the course of the fight I still managed to turn out a very creditable batch of marmalade.


  1. I completely agree that it's very inappropriate to do such things to a friend.

  2. well....a very nice post....and i also agree with the author....:)

  3. What's appropriate or what's inappropriate.... The point is that breakup is always painful and not easy... Thanks alot for sharing it with us..

  4. i totally agree with you and i would also say that doing such things with the friends can lead to many mishaps.. overall it was a nice post

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